
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Bart Hanson
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Bart joins me on the podcast again to discuss the upcoming PokerOnAir cash game that I actually played on (yes I played on a game where the hole cards were streamed, half plo/half nl) You can go to PokerOnAir twitch page to find the replay. Me and Bart discuss that and then get into many more different topics.

Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Dani Stern discusses the players strike on Pokerstars
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Ansky joins me again to talk about the players strike that took place on Pokerstars Dec1-3. I am uploading this on Dec27th so this is all in the past. My upload time is not very GTO :) Watch on YouTube you fish. Open it up and listen that way :)

Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Ben Wilinofsky aka NeverScaredB
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Ben is a long time MTT player who has had some really good results over the years. He has been very open on his blog and in videos about dealing with depression and other things. We talk more about that, the tournament grind, we get an appearance from his Russian fiance and more

Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Liqqa (HSPLOer)
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Liqqa is from Norway and also a long time PLO player on Pokerstars and was the winner of the biggest pot I've ever played online. 97k 6 way all in :( :( :( We talk about the sports betting website that he operates, PLO, and more.

Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Baadger (PLOer)
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Baadger is from Finland and a long time friend of the podcast and PLO player on Pokerstars. He is currently on the Supernova Elite grind playing mainly 2/5 zoom.

Friday Nov 20, 2015

Friday Nov 20, 2015
Talking Nba, Vegas stories, DFS and more with Potodds3
Friday Nov 20, 2015
Friday Nov 20, 2015
My buddy Michael McNeil joins me today to talk some of our stories from Vegas this WSOP, NBA, basketball in general, DFS, and more. Mike also tells a couple fun stories pertaining to our friend Brian Hastings that are pretty great lol.

Friday Nov 20, 2015
Kristin Wilson (PokerRefugees Founder)
Friday Nov 20, 2015
Friday Nov 20, 2015
My guest today is a woman named Kristin Wilson. Kristin founded a company called Poker Refugees after Black Friday which has helped to relocate about 500 poker players to many different countries around the world. I met her during the summer in Vegas and I thought she would be great to have on. We spend the first part talking about her past as a professional surfer, living in Costa Rica and more. I think she has a pretty cool backstory that we don't get to hear much about as she has never been a poker player. We spend a bunch of time talking about her company, how/why she decided to start it, the challenges of it and all things pertaining to it. Hope you guys enjoy this description that I decided would be GTO to write :)

Friday Nov 20, 2015

Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Dani Stern discusses Pokerstars VIP Changes
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Dani joins me to talk about the Pokerstars Changes to the Supernova elite program and for the rakeback program at high stakes cash games. He is very angry and speaks with much passion in this episode as he explains why the changes are bad for poker and for everyone outside of Amaya.