
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Kanu aka Alex Millar
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Alex is debatably one of the best 6 max/HU NL holdem players in the world. We will be discussing his recent resignation from Pokerstars, the online high stakes NL ecosystem, can you ever be 2 GTO at something, and more

Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
MeleaB (5x SNE FR grinder)
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Mike is a multiple time SNE on stars playing SSFR NL and has recently relocated back to the USA because of the Stars changes to SNE. He has been very vocal about the Stars changes on the poker forums with some very smart posts. I've known Mike since I started playing poker wayyyy back in the day. We will chat all about that, and much much more

Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Chisness Live In Studio!
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Chisness is one of the most legendary volume grinders of all time on Pokerstars. He is an old school SNE NL cash game grinder on Stars and one of the only people to ever play more hands of NL holdem in one month than I did. I believe he played about 850k at 6max while I only played 603k at full ring frown emoticon frown emoticon smile emoticon We will talk about this, living in Africa, worldwide travels, his upcoming 4 month bike ride through Africa and more.

Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Brian Rast is back!
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Brian joins me again to discuss his boxing match with Sorel Mizzi that has already taken place. We spend the first part of the podcast discussing this and the rest we dive into a number of different topics.

Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
CeeGee (Mixed Game/PLO online player)
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
CeeGee aka Chris George is a long time mixed game player who also plays PLO. The first part of the podcast CeeGee tells his epic degen poker story with many highs and lows. One of my favorite stories of all time on the pod.

Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Alex Dreyfus #2
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Alex is back to bring his passion about life, love, and the GPI to us all. I always get really pumped up after I talk with Alex and think I can achieve anything in the world I put my mind to.

Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Dan Smith aka KingDan
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
My buddy Dan Smith is back on the podcast to talk about all kinds of different things. We discuss his Burning Man trip and blog post he wrote after the fact, his conquering the daily fantasy sports world, recent poker endeavors, living in San Diego, and more. His cousin Matt just arrived in San Diego and we sort of ran another all male 3 way again. I don't want to start making male 3 ways a habit for myself. I would prefer to have more female 3 ways in podcast form. Maybe I need to go set those up instead.
If you vote for more female 3 ways please let me know on Twitter @joeingram1

Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Mason Malmuth discusses his new book
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Mason joins me again on the pod to talk about his new book. We also discuss the Pokerstars changes, some comments he made on the last podcast that got a few people upset, and more.

Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Daniel Negreanu (Dani Stern joins halfway)
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
This is one of my most popular podcasts to date. Daniel joins me to discuss the Pokerstars VIP changes and about halfway in Dani Stern joins us and we have our first all male threeway on the podcast.

Sunday Dec 27, 2015